Protecting the
Liberal Climate


Over the past ten years, the Liberal Party of Canada has steered a complete revolution in how we tackle climate change in Canada, with policies that have improved the lives of people and communities.

Climate Progress

Climate Progress

The Clean Electricity and Methane Regulations are reducing unhealthy air pollution; the Sustainable Jobs Act is establishing the building blocks of an economy abundant in good, unionized clean energy jobs; the First National Adaptation Strategy is helping keep people safe in the face of accelerating unnatural disasters.

Crucially, under Canada’s comprehensive climate legislation, the government enshrined long-term goals in law and brought effective governance, leading to the first ever decline in national emissions.

To protect and cement this legacy at
 a moment when climate deniers are putting
it at great risk, all leadership candidates
must endorse the following policies:


Polluters Pay:

Ensure the adoption of Oil and Gas Pollution Cap final regulations, and uphold the consumer-side of the carbon price.

Build the New

Canadian Economy

and Promote Intergenerational Equity:

Resource the Youth Climate Corps, guaranteeing good paid climate jobs for young Canadians.

Do our Fair Share

on the International Scene:

Secure and triple Canada’s international climate finance commitment post-2026.

Clean Air, Water
and Land:

Following the leadership of Indigenous communities, continue developing more Indigenous Protected and Conserved Areas and implementing the goal of 30% protected areas by 2030. Fast-track the adoption of the First Nations Clean Water Act.

Looking towards

an affordable

and safe future

Looking towards

an affordable

and safe future

There is still much to do to fulfill the promise
 of a future in which Canadians, no matter where they live and what they do, can live good lives. Leadership contenders must expand our collective imagination with climate policies that bring concrete and equitable benefits.

They can promote the building of a new economy that provides immediate support to address rising costs, while tackling the long-term dependency on fossil fuels that make us poorer and more vulnerable to energy price shocks and climate disasters.



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    To build on and learn from Justin Trudeau’s legacy, all leadership candidates must endorse the following policies:


    People Safe:

    Strengthen and implement the National Adaptation Strategy and increase funding and availability of the Disaster Mitigation and Adaptation Fund.

    Building the New Canadian
    Economy and Promote
    Intergenerational Equity:

    Support clean growth by providing paid training for the economy of tomorrow in regions particularly affected by the energy transition.


    Communities Ownership
    of Renewable Energy:

    Invest in and support Indigenous and community ownership of renewable energy production, better coordinate the planning and funding for the distribution of electricity between provinces and ban thermal coal.

    Comfortable and Sustainable Homes
    and Buildings:

    Ensure energy efficiency measures are accessible to all Canadians through the distribution of free heat pumps, develop new code requirements to limit pollution in new construction and alterations to existing buildings.

    Foster Innovation in Canada’s
    Transportation Sector:

    Invest in an industrial strategy for
made-in-Canada, affordable and accessible electric sedans; fast-track the development of high speed rail for intercity travel, and continue electrifying mass transit in cities, in part through the establishment of a permanent public transit fund with sufficient funding for operations.

    Making Big Oil Pay:

    End public support for fossil fuels, and implement a windfall profits tax on oil and gas surprofits, to be reinvested in emission reduction projects.

    Strong Canadian

    Use Canada’s G7 leadership as an opportunity to show Canada is not shying away from raising climate ambition despite the new Trump administration.